Unix is an OS of immense power, and this power can be used in many ways, not all of them obviously. We hope to make you familiar with those abilities of Unix that go beyond the needs of the occasional user, to the needs of someone who works with Unix regularly. Unix means it runs on a wider variety of computers than any other OS. It�s dominant OS on workstations and PC, but it is also used on machine ranges from Laptop, Palmtop to Super computers. UNIX Operating. System Introduction to the UNIX Operating System
. What is UNIX?
. Files and processes
. The Directory Structure
. Starting an UNIX terminal
. Listing files and directories
. Making Directories
. Changing to a different Directory
. The directories . and ..
. Pathnames
. More about home directories and pathnames
. Copying Files
. Moving Files
. Removing Files and directories
. Displaying the contents of a file on the screen
. Searching the contents of a file
. Redirection
. Redirecting the Output
. Redirecting the Input
. Pipes
. Wildcards
. Filename Conventions
. File system security (access rights)
. Changing access rights
. Processes and Jobs
. Listing suspended and background processes
. Killing a process
. Other Useful UNIX commands
. UNIX variables
. Environment variables
. Shell variables
. Using and setting variables
. Regular Expressions
. grep and egrep
. The Stream Editor sed
. awk
. Counting Words, Lines, and Characters
. Transforming File Contents
. Extracting Text Strings
. Vi editor