Big Data and Hadoop training course is designed to provide knowledge and skills to become a successful Hadoop Developer. In-depth knowledge of concepts such as Hadoop Distributed File System, Hadoop Cluster- Single and Multi node,etc. Benefits of taking the Hadoop & Big Data course. Learn to store, manage, retrieve and analyze Big Data on clusters of servers in the cloud using the Hadoop eco-system, Become one of the most in-demand IT professional in the world today, Don't just learn Hadoop development but also learn how to analyze large amounts of data to bring out insights.Hadoop & Big Data
. Introduction to Big Data
. Traditional Distributed Systems
. Problems with traditional distributed systems
. What is Hadoop? History of Hadoop. How does Hadoop solve Big Data problem? Components of Hadoop
. What is HDFS? How HDFS works? Understand the Basic Architecture.
. What is Mapreduce? How Mapreduce works?
. How Hadoop works as a system?
. What is Pig? How it works? Analyze data using Pig.
. What is Hive? How it works? Analyze data using Hive.
. What is Mapreduce? How it works? An Example.
. What is Flume? How it works?An example.
. What is Sqoop? How it works .An example.
. What is Oozie? How it works. An example.
. VMsetup, Setting up Virtual Machine.
. Installing Hadoop Eco-system on a single node.
. Understanding the configuration for single node and multi-node installation.
. Hands On exercise.Running your first MapReduce Program.
. Hands-on using Pig , Hive, MapReduce and Sqoop.
. Understand how partitioners and combiners function in mapReduce.
. Planning your Hadoop cluster. Hardware and Software considerations.
. Scheduling in Hadoop. Monitoring your Hadoop Cluster.Monitoring tools available.
. Monitoring best practices.Administration Best practices.
. Hadoop Administration best practices,Tools of the trade.