C# is .NET programming languages. It is object-oriented and allows you to build reusable components for a wide variety of application types Microsoft introduced by Microsoft.
C# programming language features like Object-oriented Programming, Inheritance, Interfaces, Exception Handling, Reflection, Standard I/O programming, File Handling, Generics, Windows Application using Winforms, File I/O, XML in .NET, ADO.NET, Web Services and Deployment.
. Learn the fundamentals of C#
. programming in Visual Studio.
. Using .Net Framework
. Working with variables, data types
. Work with standard programming skills
. Exception Handling in C#
. Object oriented programming in C#
. Object oriented techniques
. Working with Arrays
. Create Generic classes and methods.
. Collections in C#
. Generate and test your own classes
. using the Class Designer and Object
. Test Bench tools.
. Use delegate types to provide
. flexibility and type safety.
. Use anonymous types, lambda expressions, extension methods, object initializers, and implicit type declarations